Rather than regard Facebook as a social network, it makes more sense to view the company as being in the business of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Tag Archives: CBC Radio
Nintendo is the latest technology company with an eye for health care. The makers of Super Mario have introduced their QOL platform, which stands for Quality of Life, and includes an expanding line of health devices and sensors. Starting with Sleep, the company hopes their background in gaming will enable them to find success in the world of health care. Rick Cluff speaks with Jesse Hirsh
Melissa Tobin and I discuss the prediction of crime using twitter data and the role this data could play in police planning, public policy, and public service delivery.
My discussion with @CBCEarlyEdition regarding Tinder, the evolution of spam, and finding love via video games
My discussion with @lorenmcginnis on the culture of video games, esports, Twitch.tv, athletics, trolling, and why Microsoft will be introducing a community powered reputation system for Xbox One.
My discussion with Stephen Quinn on CBC Radio Vancouver’s Early Edition regarding efforts by the California Department of Motor Vehicles to regulate self-driving vehicles by 2015.
Discussing the NSA TURBINE initiative with Rick Cluff on CBC Radio Vancouver’s Early Edition
CBC.ca | Information Morning Nova Scotia | Online hacktivist group Anonymous
CBC.ca | Information Morning Nova Scotia | Online hacktivist group Anonymous
I had a chat with my friend and CBC host Don Connolly about the role Anonymous played in the Rehtaeh Parsons case.
I talked about the trust that Anonymous elicits from the public who believe that they can confide in Anonymous and have their own identity respected.
Bitcoin: Bubble or Bank?
Call it a currency without a country. Bitcoins … digital tokens that are traded over the Internet … can’t be stuffed in your wallet, or crammed in your pocket. But that hasn’t stopped the virtual coinage from sending ripples through the financial world. Early this year you could buy a bitcoin online for $15. But its value has surged — spiking upwards of $250 this week.
With more and more people looking to shelter themselves from a jittery global economy an increasing number of these virtual bucks are finding real-world homes. Just ask Alex Likhtenstein. He co-owns EVR Bar in Manhattan, and allows people to pay their tabs in bitcoin.
For more on this, we were joined by Jesse Hirsh. He is a technology correspondent for CBC. He’s also co-founder of Academy of the Impossible, a peer-to-peer learning facility in Toronto.