Rather than regard Facebook as a social network, it makes more sense to view the company as being in the business of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Toronto Public Library System of 2042
A glimpse into the Toronto Public Library System of 2042
Prediction of crime using twitter data
Melissa Tobin and I discuss the prediction of crime using twitter data and the role this data could play in police planning, public policy, and public service delivery.
California Department of Motor Vehicles to regulate self-driving vehicles by 2015
My discussion with Stephen Quinn on CBC Radio Vancouver’s Early Edition regarding efforts by the California Department of Motor Vehicles to regulate self-driving vehicles by 2015.
Discussing the NSA TURBINE initiative with Rick Cluff on CBC Radio Vancouver’s Early Edition
2012 Keith Davey Forum on Public Affairs
The 2012 Keith Davey Forum on Public Affairs, moderated by Steve Paikin and featuring Lee Rainie and myself, was held on October 17th 2012 at the Isabel Bader Theatre at Victory University at the University of Toronto.
We addressed the question, Is Social Media Good for Democracy? Neither of us answered a complete yes or no, but instead offered nuanced answers that encourage both cautious optimism and chilling alarm.
The discussion overall was far reaching, and fascinating. In particular it was a treat to spend time with Lee Rainie who is the Director of the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, a non-profit, non–partisan “fact tank” that studies the social impact of the internet. Lee is also a co-author – with a close friend of mine and University of Toronto sociologist Barry Wellman – of Networked: The new social operating system, which was released in 2012.
The event was recorded by TVO’s Big Ideas, and the audio is now available. I’ll update this page if and when the video surfaces.